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Teagan Martin, Emersyn Goldenstein, Ellie Kleve and Ben Kleve

Students share essays, speech to honor veterans

Holyoke Junior High School students read their winning Patriot’s Pen essays at the Veterans Day Program in the Heginbotham Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 11.

The Patriot’s Pen theme was “How can I be a good American?” and Teagan Martin won first place, Emersyn Goldenstein second and Ellie Kleve third.

HHS freshman Ben Kleve also delivered a speech he wrote to honor veterans after he learned there were no Voice of Democracy entries this year.


By Teagan Martin

Patriot’s Pen first place

“Thank you for your service!” I said to a veteran. Appreciating soldiers is one of the greatest ways to be a good American. There are many other ways you can be good, but I think this is one of the best. I can be a good American by showing gratitude and respect to veterans by thanking them and honoring the flag.

Thanking veterans for their service can show how grateful we are for them. Saying thank you to veterans can bring them joy. When I am in a restaurant and I see one, I always thank them for their service. They always have a smile on their face after I say it.

My great-grandpa served in the Korean War, and he loved having people thank him for his service. Reading their books that they wrote can show how hard it is to train, and to be in a war. For example, I am reading a book called, “I Am A Seal Team Six Warrior,” which was based on the memories of an American soldier.

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By Emersyn Goldenstein

Patriot’s Pen second place

What it means to be a good American will consist of different things and feelings for everyone. One thing you can do to be a good American is to be patriotic and respect the Constitution. Obeying the laws and respecting other people’s rights is also a way to be a good American. Taking care of the environment can be a great way to be a good American. Being a good American is important so that our country is united and all citizens can enjoy the freedom of being an American.

Being a good American means I show pride in my country and uphold the foundation of our country. Showing patriotism is something that should be done every day and be reflected in our decisions, words and actions as well as considering how it will affect other Americans. Respecting the U.S. flag and government are also important ways to be patriotic. Obeying the laws that have been established for my country is a good way to be an American.

Showing devotion or support to our country is a big part of being a good American. A couple reasons that showing devotion/support to our country is important is because it keeps the morale of the country positive. It also helps our governments to run smoothly and make sound decisions. Another way is voting. Voting when you’re older helps support the country by helping keep the democracy working as it was intended to.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.


By Ellie Kleve

Patriot’s Pen third place

How I can be a good American is by using my freedoms given to us by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. Being a better American is not just about helping those in the U.S., it is also about exercising your rights and freedoms. Three of these freedoms would include the freedom of choice, freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. As you might have guessed, all of my points connect to freedom. I truly think that these are all relevant topics to be a good American.

Refusing to get the COVID-19 shot is one way I can stand up for my beliefs. The government is trying to push everyone to take the vaccine, but it is not something my family and I are willing to do. For one, the vaccine has not been proven to be completely safe, especially for young people. In fact, studies have shown that people can suffer instead of gain health. By doing this, I choose to exercise my freedom of choice.

As an American, the Constitution says that we have the right to believe in what we want to believe in. Because of this, I have been able to safely take a place in my Catholic church. I am also able to share my faith with others because I am unafraid of persecution, as being a Catholic is hard in some countries. I am grateful for this freedom the founders of America have given us.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.


America, Where do We go from here?

By Ben Kleve

What are the next steps for our nation? That is a question that I have had to ponder to come up with an answer. I believe the next step for our nation is to become more united overall, not only along political lines but also along cultural lines.

According to a major past leader of our country, Abraham Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” As we make our way into the second year of President Biden’s presidency, politics have turned into one of the most polarizing topics in the modern American nation. Since the topic has been extremely polarized, the ability of the Legislature to pass bills and improve the life of the average citizen has been greatly diminished.

A vast majority of the issues that are currently faced by our nation are often caused by faulty reporting in the journalistic sector. This is not necessarily a new thing, but it has gotten worse as we have gotten farther into the age of digital media. Digital media has made it a whole lot easier to publish misinformation and nonfacts. If the average American had more education on the principles of both sides of the aisle, then they might be more astute in telling the difference between fact and fiction.  

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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