Start small and win big in 2019

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    New Year’s resolutions often do not last beyond the month of January. Statistics show that only about 9 percent of people that make a resolution actually break free from their bad habits and create a new path to re-invent themselves. Why is it so hard to break free from our normal “comfort zone.” Rather than get frustrated and say, “Well, I never keep up with it anyway. So, why start?” Rethink your plan of attack.     
    Most often, we create an atmosphere of resistance because we have too many goals on our list. Trying to do everything at once is unrealistic, and when there are too many expectations, it is hard to feel successful at anything.
    So, pick one habit or area of improvement to work on and focus on just that. It will be easier to see desired outcomes.
    For instance, instead of trying to completely change your whole diet. Start with focusing on improving one component of your diet. If losing weight is a goal, just taking soda pop out of the diet can lead to a decrease in consuming non-nutritious, empty calories and help reduce the waist line.
    But remember! It can take up to 66 days to completely break an old habit, according to research from University College London. Therefore, making one small change in your norm can help you achieve your goal with least resistance.
    Celebrating even small positive changes can help you to stay motivated. With each small victory, the subconscious mind is programming you to work for continued success. As you look and feel better, you will continue to recognize the benefit and keep working toward success.

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