Pay attention to random acts of kindness

Another Perspective

    Time and time again, I’ve heard reference that being thankful results in happiness. Noticing random acts of kindness ranks high in my book of feel-good happenings.
    Some people face challenging times of turmoil, one after another. It makes you wonder, “Why them?” Or “Why me?”
    It’s the person who focuses on something they appreciate who sparks hope for a thankful smile despite a series of downers. A poor-me philosophy never helps unless sympathy is the main objective.
    I’ve noticed recently the refreshing awe when observing random acts of kindness.
    Upon landing in New York City on an amazing memory-making trip, I was taken back when our grandson, Austin, shook the pilot’s hand and thanked him as we left the plane. The teenage gestures continued as Austin opened doors for me, made coffee in the morning, put his phone aside to allow personal conversation and so naturally offered random acts of kindness.
    On another trip, I was excited to start a CD book series as an entertaining way to pass the time. I had a brand new vehicle and was frustrated with myself that I couldn’t find the CD player. Turns out there’s a good reason. There isn’t one. Evidently that’s common now.
    Determined to follow through with my story time, I stopped in the next town with the hopes of finding a portable CD player. Without much time to spare, I went to the electronics department and expressed my need. The helpful employee took me to a little flat player. Great. As I walked away, he asked if my car had auxiliary input.
    Auxiliary? That must be what that AUX stood for. The kind young man pulled a cord from the shelf which would connect the player to the vehicle sound system. Evidently my reaction gave him reason to sense my hesitancy.

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