H is for Heart

Extension Corner

    The following article is a follow-up to our last article entitled “H is for Head.” Most everyone knows 4-H is based on the four H’s, which are Head, Heart, Hands and Health, but do you know what those H’s really stand for? Most youth are looking for something bigger than themselves and for a sense of belonging. These next few articles will focus on what each H means and how it can help youth fill these needs.
    The second H, Heart, may seem like it really does not fit into what we may think of 4-H. When you dig a little deeper, it fits perfectly and can be found in any project or activity that one would do while in 4-H.
    One of the things a 4-H’er has to do to be in 4-H is complete a community service activity. A community service is something that this member will do for the benefit of the community they are in, without any thought to the credit they may receive for completing the project. A good community service project is an activity that actually has no benefit to the people doing the act; the value lies in the fact that the recipient of this act is better off. Through the 4-H pledge, we remember we need to concentrate on people and things that are in greater need than we are.
    Heart can also be seen in our projects. Have you ever seen a clothing, leathercraft or woodworking project and you just know it was made with heart? The time that it took to complete the project, the energy it took to make the project, and the thought or reason for the project is all heart. The livestock projects show heart because much time and commitment is needed to complete these projects. No matter what the weather is or what else is on the calendar, livestock always need taken care of. When you spend every day with this animal, you can’t help but see heart when this pair gets to the fair.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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