H is for Health

Extension Corner

    The following article is a follow up to our last article entitled “H is for Hands.” Most everyone knows 4-H is based on the four H’s, which are Head, Heart, Hands and Health, but do you know what those H’s really stand for? Most youth are looking for something bigger than themselves and for a sense of belonging. We are going to focus on what each H means and how it can help youth fill these needs.
    The fourth and final H is for Health. “Health to Better Living” means physical, emotional, mental and financial health, among others. Health is essentially making sure that each and every 4-H member is healthy enough in the ways previously mentioned so they can be the best version of themselves that they can be.
    4-H members are busy learning financial health by completing record books that keep track of project-related expenses and income, increasing civic health by helping others through community service projects, and getting mentally healthier by learning new things relating to projects, and finally, meeting new friends increases emotional health.
    Proof of this final H can be seen in Tuft’s study which began in 2002 and was continually repeated in the following years. Using this model, it can be proven that using positive youth development skills such as competence, confidence, caring and character, a member becomes more connected to their community, thus reducing negative risk behavior. This study shows that 4-H’ers are four times more likely to give back to their communities, two times more likely to make healthier choices, and two times more likely to participate in STEM-related activities.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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