H is for Head

Extension Corner

    Welcome to a new year in Phillips County 4-H! We celebrated the end of an amazingly successful year with the Achievement Program back in October and look forward to even bigger and better things this year. Most everyone knows that 4-H is based on the four H’s, which are Head, Heart, Hands and Health, but do you know what those H’s really stand for? Most youth are looking for something bigger than themselves and for a sense of belonging. These next few articles will focus on what each H means and how it can help youth fill these needs.
    The first H, Head, seems obvious enough as we learn something new with each and every project that we take. We learn a new skill such as sewing a hem, how to feed a lamb or even how to disassemble an engine. Once a 4-H member learns that new skill, they will then look to answer the question, “Now what?” Members often teach others about what they have learned or incorporate some of these skills into a career. The skills learned from completing 4-H projects are the building blocks that teach members how to problem solve and gain confidence to experience other new opportunities.
    Aside from their individual projects, members also use their minds for critical thinking and problem solving. They become open to the idea that there are many different ways to complete a job or to look outside the box to complete a task. When roadblocks arise in everyday life, 4-H’ers can draw on these past experiences to increase their chance of success.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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