Growing older with your husband is a gift

Samantha’s Salt
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    Two years ago, God woke me up to a certain reality about our relationship more than ever. I got a phone call that stopped me in my tracks.
    “Your husband’s been shot,” are the first words I heard from a man on the other line. My heart sank. My body froze in fear. I yelled and cried. I was confused.
    Then the rest of the words came out.
    “He’s been shot in the arm, but he’s going to be okay.”
    Then I heard Jeremiah’s trembling voice in the background reassuring me that he was indeed going to be okay and that he loved me. Relief filled my heart, but I was still shaking.
    I thought I lost Jeremiah that day, but God spared his life from an accidental misfire from a neighboring shooter at the rifle range. After two surgeries, a painful road of recovery, physical therapy, post-traumatic stress and limitations that exist today in his arm, I thank the Lord that my husband’s here with me.
    God spared his life. And now more than ever I’m grateful for what we’ve gone through. I count it a privilege and a blessing to be able to live this life and age together — especially in the midst of the suffering.
    Time is marching on without asking us. New wrinkles and white hairs are appearing out of nowhere. What’s happened in our past is now a memory to behold in pictures, writing, video and telling stories around the table with our children — always a good reminder of God’s faithfulness and answered prayers.
Reflecting on our differences over time
    We just passed our 13-year anniversary in December. I recently turned 36, and Jeremiah turned 39. With each birthday, I tend to reflect deeply on life and marriage.
    It hasn’t always been easy — at all. We’re both strong-willed, second-born babies in our families. We’re stubborn to the core! He’s adventurous and spontaneous; I’m a stick-by-the-rules planner (AKA control freak).
    As you can imagine, it can feel like a tug-a-war match, and we have our share of fights. And then we make up (that’s always the best). Pride invades our hearts at times, but so does humility. Careless words fly around in the air, but so do uplifting and loving words. We don’t always communicate clearly, but other times we’re on the same exact page.
    We drive each other crazy, and then we love each other like crazy. It’s a roller coaster ride at times with our four children, sinful natures, hormones and depending how much sleep we got the night before, but it’s still so, so good — this family circus.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Samantha Krieger can be contacted at, or visit her website at

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