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Darrell Smith- Write in candidate.

Who will be the next Phillips County Sheriff?



 Recently the Holyoke Enterprise spoke with each candidate and asked questions in regard to the upcoming election. Here are the results for the candidates. 


 What are your qualifications to be sheriff? 

I have over 10 years of Peace Officer experience, including time with the Colorado Department of Corrections, where I worked as an Officer, Housing Sergeant, Emergency Response Team member and Squad Leader, and Max Level housing Lieutenant. With my POST certification, I have worked for both Phillips County Sheriff’s Office and the Haxtun Police Department. 

Over the years spent as a peace officer and while serving in the U.S. Navy, during operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, I have learned and put into practice effective and professional leadership styles to achieve the safe and successful execution of a variety of special operations as well as completing task assignments, for which I received letters of recommendation from both the commanding office and battle group admiral. 

Why are you the best person for the job? 

I believe I am the best person for the job because I have the desire and drive to make this community safer and serve my neighbors and my community, the same community my family is in, the same community my kids go to school and sporting events. Above everything I want the office that is supposed to serve and protect to do everything in its power to do just that. 

What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days? 

In the first 30 days I plan to create and implement a cultural change within the department and complete a training period with all staff to ensure that staff are meeting both my expectations and those from the community. I will familiarize myself with the budget to ensure we are operating in a fiscal manner, while ensuring that we are operating safely. Policies will need to be reviewed and any revisions made. 

After the first 30 days, I plan to provide continual training and oversight to those employed by the sheriffs office to ensure we meet the needs of the community. I will reassess the progress in the changes made and adapt as needed to ensure the department is meeting its goals. 

By the end of the first 90 days the Sheriff’s Office should be operating in line with the direction of the office and we can look towards implementing school programs and how to more effectively tackle concerns in the county. 

Why do you want to become sheriff? 

I want to make a difference in the place I call home. 

What do you believe is the most important ability to be a leader? 

I have changed opinions about this exact question numerous times over the years, and at this point I truly believe the best quality a leader can have is adaptability. Especially in law enforcement career fields. Laws are constantly changing which changes what and how we do things. But it’s not just that, it’s adaptable to your staff. Knowing what your staff need from you to succeed which allows your area, department, whatever to succeed. The need of the community changes as the times do as well. 

What kind of leadership will you bring to the sheriff’s office? 

A lead from the front hands on style of leadership that sets the example for those that work with me. I don’t believe in asking anyone to do something I wouldn’t do myself. 

How will you ensure the sheriff’s department builds and maintains community trust? 

Presence and communication. As mentioned above, community involvement and honest communication are key in building and maintaining trust. Facebook and other social media platforms are a great way to reach the community as well as local press. 

How will you engage with schools and educational institutions for safety and awareness programs? 

My plan is to build programs for our school systems and get the office involved in our school systems. 

How do you plan to handle interactions with the media and public information dissemination? 

I plan to take a proactive approach to the relationship with the media and the dissemination of public information. I plan to release information regarding new warrants, as well as the arrest of those that violate the law in our county. 


 Smith is a write in candidate and those that want to cast their vote for me need to check the blank box and write my name 

Holyoke Enterprise

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Holyoke CO 80734