Letters to the Editor

FMGMD asks for ‘Yes’ vote on 7B

I am writing this letter to those who live in or have property in the Frenchman Groundwater Management District. The November election ballot, which is now laying on our kitchen counter, includes Ballot Measure 7B. 7B is asking voters to allow the Frenchman Groundwater Management Board to seek and retain monies or, in other words, to “debruce.”

The Frenchman Groundwater Management District has never had a lot of cash in reserves and has never intended on keeping a lot of money in reserve. However, with dwindling aquifer levels north and east of Holyoke, state regulations, increasing inflation and increasing operating costs, the FMGMD is concerned about future funding. 

While this 7B initiative does not and will not allow for increased water rates or a mill levy increase, it does allow us to obtain outside funding for district objectives. For example, last year the Republican Water Conservancy District offered grants to groundwater management districts for research and implementation of conservation plans. Frenchman would like to apply for these types of grants. Debrucing would allow us to confidently make those applications. 

Currently, Frenchman is not asking for a rate increase, just the opportunity to be able to have funding in place to apply for conservation grants and try to conserve our fragile aquifer. We are asking for a “Yes” vote on 7B.

Jim Tomky

FMGMD board member

Holyoke Enterprise

970-854-2811 (Phone)

130 N Interocean Ave
PO Box 297
Holyoke CO 80734