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There’s a smile behind her mask, and custodian Juana Ruiz can often be found waving and saying hi to students and staff. — The Holyoke Enterprise | Johnson Publications

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Hardworking, positive, bright and selfless are some of the words staff members use to describe Juana Ruiz, custodian at Holyoke Elementary School. She is pictured with the Dragon mascot in the school gym earlier this month. — The Holyoke Enterprise | Johnson Publications

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Holyoke Elementary School custodian Juana Ruiz maneuvers some heavy equipment as she cleans the floors in the hallways of the school. — The Holyoke Enterprise | Johnson Publications

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Holyoke Elementary School custodian Juana Ruiz’s list of responsibilities has increased this year, from disinfecting tables and chairs to cleaning bathrooms multiple times a day to checking in students every morning. — The Holyoke Enterprise | Johnson Publications

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With Juana Ruiz, cleaning duties can be fun! Why not throw in a little dance while vacuuming around a cafeteria table? — The Holyoke Enterprise | Johnson Publications

Ruiz tackles a big job with a big heart

For someone small in stature, Juana Ruiz certainly demonstrates what it means to have a big heart.

Three fellow staff members at Holyoke Elementary School nominated Ruiz for the Heart Award in the Emerald Award program for her hard work in her custodial duties, her positive and bright spirit, and her selfless attitude in service to students and staff.

“I truly admire Juana for her dedication to our school. Despite being one of the first ones to arrive every morning and one of the last ones to leave every evening, she does her job with an obvious passion,” said Jordan Gerk, one of Ruiz’s nominators.

Ruiz said she begins her work by 7:30 every morning, and she said she is always at the school before others because she enjoys being early.

 She makes sure there’s coffee brewing for staff members, opens the doors to the classrooms and turns on the lights for a welcoming atmosphere. She also hoists up the flags in front of the school — that’s very important, she said.

Ruiz anxiously awaits the opportunity to wish the staff good morning as they arrive, and for a chunk of the school year she was part of the team that helped check in students each morning.

“With a quiet kindness and respect she greets every person, student or staff she meets with a positive attitude and bright smile. Her kindness and positivity radiate from her,” said nominator Carly Daniel.

After her morning routine, Ruiz gets to work on her cleaning tasks, something she’s been doing the last four years. She gets to go home for a break between 1-3:30 p.m. and is back to clean classrooms after the school day until around 6 p.m.

“Juana is very courteous as to not interrupt anyone, coming in later to clean if a teacher was on the phone or with a student,” said Cynthia Bahler, another nominator for Ruiz.

And if you drive by the school on a day off, you are sure to see her car among the few in the parking lot, added Gerk.

There’s no doubt that Juana’s list of responsibilities has increased this year due to COVID-19 cleaning regulations and guidelines.

“She works tirelessly to ensure teachers are equipped with a full bottle of disinfectant spray at all times and that bathrooms are cleaned multiple times each day,” said Gerk. “Without Juana and the rest of the custodial staff, in-person learning would not have been possible this year.”

Click here to read the full article in our free Emerald Awards section.

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