JR/SR high reports 1 COVID-19 case

A student or staff member attending Holyoke JR/SR High School has been diagnosed and tested positive with COVID-19, according to a Nov. 2 press release from Holyoke School District.

Each case of COVID-19 is interviewed by public health. As part of this public health investigation:

— The person diagnosed is being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious.

— The person’s activities when they could have spread COVID-19 were assessed.

— The people who were close contacts of the person with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home from school for 14 days after the exposure.

Because it is impossible to assess all interactions in a classroom and because of the length of time that classes spend together, all classroom members within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes are considered close contacts.  

Students and staff considered as close contacts and their parents have been notified by JR/SR high Principal Angie Powell that they are asked to quarantine for 14 days and will not be allowed on campus or allowed to attend any school functions during the 14 days. On Monday, Superintentend Kyle Stumpf said the number of quarantined individuals was under 20.

As of Monday, Holyoke Elementary School students and staff were not affected by this one positive COVID-19 case and could continue to operate as normal.

For questions, contact Stumpf at 970-854-3634, Powell at 970-854-2284 or the Northeast Colorado Health Department at 970-854-2717.

Holyoke Enterprise

970-854-2811 (Phone)

130 N Interocean Ave
PO Box 297
Holyoke CO 80734