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From left, Hannah Marner, Josilyn Lutze, Scott Osborne and Savanna Diaz

Dear highschoolers, one size does not fit all

Hannah Marner
Online classes

    When you graduated, what was your plan for the future? Furthering my education was definitely part of my plan, but after graduating I didn’t have a college picked out.
    How do your actual post-high school pursuits compare to what you had planned? Education-wise, plans did end up changing. My last two years of high school were completed through online classes. I was originally planning on attending a brick-and-mortar college but ended up taking online classes through NJC instead. Career-wise, I didn’t have anything specific in mind other than an interest in business.
    What shaped your decision to take online classes while working? It was mainly due to the flexibility online schooling offered me. I started high school online classes and working at the Heginbotham Library during the same month. Since coursework could be completed according to my schedule, it wasn’t difficult to make time for my job. When college classes rolled around, there was more coursework but it never felt like I had to choose between work and school.
    Who would be a good fit for taking online classes while working? People who don’t have the time to attend regular college classes would be a great fit. Normally online classes have dates when coursework needs to be turned in, but students can complete the coursework during any time of day.


Josilyn Lutze
Transfer after community college

    When you graduated, what was your plan for the future? When I graduated high school, my plan was to go to a community college and then transfer to a university. While I was in college I also wanted to compete on a collegiate livestock judging team. I was planning on going to school to become an agronomist and then eventually farm around Holyoke.
    How do your actual post-high school pursuits compare to what you had planned? I have recently graduated from Colby Community College and am headed to Fort Hays State University in the fall. At Colby I was allowed the privilege to judge for two years there and will be on the 2019 team at Hays. That way my plans have stayed the same. In the fall of 2017 I changed my major from agronomy to agricultural education. I now plan on trying to become an ag teacher. With being a teacher, that will help open up my summer some to where I can help farm.
    What shaped your decision to pursue an associate degree and then transfer for a bachelor’s? My main reason for pursuing an associate degree before going for my bachelor’s was class sizes. Growing up here in Holyoke, I was used to smaller classes and liked being able to get one-on-one help from the teachers. I knew at a community or junior college I would have a better chance of getting one-on-one if I needed it and I like getting to know all of my classmates. Another reason why I attended a two-year school was that I was offered a scholarship to judge, which made it cheaper for me to go to school.


Scott Osborne
Bachelor’s program

    When you graduated, what was your plan for the future? To pursue a degree in law and use that to become a business mediator.
    How do your actual post-high school pursuits compare to what you had planned? I ended up pursuing a bachelor’s in history at University of Colorado Boulder. I realized quickly that six years of school was too much. That’s not to say being a lawyer is not still attractive, it’s just not my priority anymore.
    What shaped your decision to pursue a bachelor’s degree right out of high school? Societal pressure, say that those that are educated at higher institutions tend towards higher income and thus, in today’s view, higher success. Though my motivations have changed drastically now.
    Who would be a good fit for pursuing a bachelor’s degree right out of high school? Knowing what you value is very important. It is vital that if you are pursuing something that requires higher thinking then you must get a multitude of viewpoints so that you can form your own opinions based on facts rather than making argument purely out of emotion.


Savanna Diaz
Trade school

    When you graduated, what was your plan for the future? I planned to go straight to school to become a licensed cosmetologist so I could pursue my dream of doing nails as well as hair and skin care.
    How do your actual post-high school pursuits compare to what you had planned? I didn’t think it was going to go as smoothly as planned, but it did! I was able to get in and out of school (with very few complications) to start my career at an earlier age in life than most people.
    What shaped your decision to pursue trade school? I knew what I wanted to do since I was a little girl. I didn’t feel the need to go to a four-year college or to go through any more schooling other than what I was specifically wanting to go into for a career. When you know what you want, why not go for it?
    Who would be a good fit for pursuing trade school? I could see many people being a good fit for pursuing trade school depending on what they want to do in their career field.


Click here to read the full article in the back-to-school section.

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