Citizens address complaints filed against school district

    Citing local complaints filed with the Colorado Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, Kim Killin and Michelle Van Overbeke presented brief statements to Holyoke School District Re-1J Board of Education at its Dec. 19 special meeting.
    Killin asked that the board release documents to the CDE/attorney general’s office so their investigation can be completed and the issue at hand can be put behind. Specific concerns were cited for information potentially withheld from the board, as well as compliance with behavior and/or safety plans.
    Van Overbeke emphasized that it is important to them to ensure that the school provides an environment that is conducive to learning.
    After the meeting, Superintendent John McCleary said, “The district has cooperated with every entity at every level regarding this issue.”
    Killin’s comments to the board follow:
    “I understand you have been made aware of the complaint that was filed by eight or nine families with the Colorado Department of Education.
    “The CDE has opened an investigation into whether certain information resulting from Mr. McCleary’s investigation was withheld from the board, and also whether the school has complied with the behavior and/or safety plans put into place by the school.
    “Unfortunately, as parents and community members, we did not have the ability to investigate and determine whether proper steps were taken. Accordingly, this group of parents, with the support of many others, initiated the complaint.
    “I was told by three board members in early October that certain information that was submitted to Mr. McCleary had not been provided to them. I have still not received a call from anyone indicating that this assertion was wrong.
    “In fact, I am now told by the Colorado attorney general’s office that the school has refused to turn over certain documents requested pursuant to their investigation.
    “We are here today to ask you to release the documents to the CDE/attorney general so that they can complete their investigation and put this behind all of us — our school and our community.”
    Van Overbeke continued, “Additionally, we are here to inform you that members of the same group have since filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights.
    “We would be happy to speak with you personally about that complaint but have been told it appears that they have jurisdiction and that they will be opening a case and assigning an investigative team.
    “It is important to us to ensure that the school provides an environment that is conducive to learning. Based upon the results of Mr. McCleary’s investigation, that wasn’t the case in the past, and concerns still exist.
    “It is imperative that we provide all of our students and our parents the comfort of a secure learning environment. There is guidance put out by the attorney general and CDE that deals with the issues our school has been facing. I would be happy to provide that information to you upon your request.”
    Also attending the board meeting with Killin and Van Overbeke was Troy Killin.

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