Highline announces capital credits refund

     Mark Farnsworth, general manager of Highline Electric Association in Holyoke, has announced that the Highline Board of Directors approved a capital credits refund of approximately $1,733,000 to the membership. In addition, Highline retired capital credits in excess of $125,000 to estates in 2017.
     “At the November board of directors’ meeting, the board voted to return the remaining balance of the 2002 Highline Electric capital credits, 62.23 percent of the 2003 Highline Electric capital credits and 56.11 percent of the 1995 Tri-State Generation and Transmission capital credits,” Farnsworth said.
    “This means that if you purchased electricity from Highline Electric in 1995, 2002 or 2003, you will receive a check for your portion of Highline Electric’s margins,” he added.
    Farnsworth stated that Highline Electric plans to issue the checks in mid-December. “These refunds are dividends paid to Highline Electric members, as they are the owners of the electric utility,” he added. “This is one of the advantages of doing business with your local cooperative.”

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