3 reasons women are valuable to the church

Samantha's Salt
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    Recently as our Bible study gathered around the couches to discuss our video session, the Lord spoke to my heart in a way that I wasn’t expecting. As I listened to my friends share how God was working in their lives, I was so encouraged. Many of them play an active role in their church and our community, and I thought to myself:
    Women are valuable to the church. All women — wives, young moms, moms of teens, moms of grown adults, single women, working women, working moms, elderly women, widowed women, young women, tweens, teens and college-aged women. Each of us has a distinct role to play in ministering to the church body, all of which are different, none of which are better than another.
    We all know the woman who can make cookie dough cheesecake bars like nobody’s business, the woman who’d come to your aid within minutes to offer a helping hand, the woman who eloquently speaks the truth in love, the woman who has rockstar teaching abilities, the woman who makes the cutest crafts for kids church and the woman who brews the coffee every Sunday morning.
    We’ve all been given gifts for the building up of each other. And without each body part functioning together, we’d be missing an eye, an ear, a nose, a toe, and it would be quite dysfunctional. There are many reasons women are valuable and precious to the church, but here are three ways:
    1. Women are valuable to the church because God says so.
    God created male and female and he blessed them (Genesis 5:2). God saw all that he had made and it was very good. He sees us as his beautiful masterpiece. In fact, we were created in his image. We are equal in value to men but are distinct in our roles and responsibilities.
    God has specific jobs for you, and without your service, the work would be incomplete and insufficient. He knew what he was doing when he created you! When you serve, you serve unto the Lord, and what you bring to the table is unique and necessary for God’s kingdom to be built. You are valuable to God, and he sees your work as worthy. Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you.” You are of great worth in Jesus’ sight, and that was proven through his shed blood on the cross. You were bought at a high price.
    2. Women are valuable to the church for the training and encouragement of younger women.
    These verses have always been an encouragement to me because I don’t know about you, but I feel like I often need guidance and training on how to be a better wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. God knows what he’s doing when he commands older women to teach the younger women on how to live in the four corners of their homes. I also recognize the value I bring to younger women through my life experiences and shortcomings.

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