Beckers carry rural-focused bill to finish line

The last day of the 2017 regular legislative session ended with a flurry of activity on issues such as school finance and the final passage of a bill that will save a dozen rural hospitals.

Republican Rep. Jon Becker of Fort Morgan and Democratic House Majority Leader K.C. Becker of Boulder marshaled Senate Bill 17-267, also known as “Sustainability of Rural Colorado,” across the finish line on the session’s last day, May 10.

The measure picked up 12 Republican votes in the House, as well as “yes” votes from all of the House’s 37 Democrats. It was opposed by 16 Republicans. Most, but not all, of the Republican votes came from lawmakers representing rural Colorado. After the final vote was announced, House members, in a rather unusual move, stood up and gave a standing ovation to the bill’s sponsors.

Part of the Beckers’ (who are not related) biggest lift was making sure that the bill didn’t change even one word from when it left the Senate. That meant fighting off close to two dozen amendments, all from Republicans, during debate on both May 8 and 9 and a preliminary vote.

Republican Rep. Jim Wilson of Salida, among the bill’s supporters, happily proclaimed “Rural, rural, rural! Music to my ears!” during Monday’s debate.

But when the dust settled, just before 2 a.m. May 9 morning, the bill remained as it had when it left the Senate. With its final passage, the bill now heads to Gov. John Hickenlooper for signing, and he is expected to sign it.

While the measure originated in the Senate, it stalled several times while its sponsors, which include Senate President Pro Tem Jerry Sonnenberg of Sterling and Senate Minority Leader Lucia Guzman of Denver, attempted to figure out a way forward. But the real deal came only after Jon Becker and K.C. Becker hammered out the final details in several marathon negotiating sessions.

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