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Holyoke FBLA members who competed at the national conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and trip sponsors are pictured, from left, front row, Elyce Sisseck, Piper McConachie, Kyrah McConachie, Tayla Martin, sponsor Rena Schneller, Fatima Nuñez and Jimena Nuñez; and back row, adviser Lori Nelson, sponsor Elon Nelson, sponsor Gina Martin, Daniela Fierro, Teagan Martin, Carter Van Overbeke, Ethan Schneller, Leah Struckmeyer, Ben Kleve and Hannah Lindholm. — Photo courtesy of Lori Nelson

13 Holyoke FBLA members compete at national conference in Georgia

Thirteen Holyoke High School Future Business Leaders of America members competed at the national conference in Atlanta, Georgia, from June 26-July 3.

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1973 — David Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Holyoke, is shown cat fishing — only the cat is four-legged and the fishing is dryland. Young David was observed casting from his self-made rubber boat on wheels, and what he was casting for was Dr. R.J. Wiest’s family cat. The young fisherman makes a cast with nothing but a lead slug on his line, which the cat loves to grab. David then proceeds to reel in the playful cat. — Enterprise file photo

Peekin' into the Past

Five Years Ago

Aug. 2, 2018


Holyoke Enterprise

970-854-2811 (Phone)

130 N Interocean Ave
PO Box 297
Holyoke CO 80734