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Pregnancy Resource Center set to hold four consecutive banquets

A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast Colorado is holding our Annual Fundraising Banquets from 6 to 8:30 pm on four consecutive evenings with four locations to choose from: Friday, Jan. 27, Sterling Trinity Lutheran gymnasium; Saturday, Jan. 28, Phillips County Event Center; Sunday, Jan. 29, Yuma First Church of the Nazarene; and Monday, Jan. 30, Morgan County Event Center.

This year’s banquet theme, “Planting Seeds of Growth,” features speaker Amy Ford, co-founder and president of Embrace Grace ministries, an international nonprofit that has trained and equipped over 800 churches in all 50 states and multiple countries to open their doors and hearts to women with unexpected pregnancies.

“This is our year to grow,” said Roberta Bigalk, executive director of A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast Colorado. “We’re helping more individuals facing pregnancy than ever before with information, support and resources. Abortion is not the only answer. Women facing an unplanned pregnancy need our support to make the decision that is right for them, and we want to be there for them, no matter what decision they make! Having served well over 300 women this past year shows us how valuable our organization is to the communities we serve in Northeastern Colorado.

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