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Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation’s four executive directors, past and present, helped raise $3 million through the organization. Pictured from the left are Cherrie Brown (2004-12), Nancy Colglazier (2014-22), Penny Bailey (2022-present) and Jessica Johnson (2012-14). — Courtesy photo

Hospital Foundation exceeds $3 million

The Phillips County Healthcare Foundation was established in 1994 to establish an organization dedicated to philanthropic opportunities. In 2008, they made a legal name change to Phillips County Healthcare Foundation dba Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation. Since its organization, the Foundation’s mission has been “to enhance quality of life and increase community generosity in the community served by Melissa Memorial Hospital.” 

The Board of Directors and its executive directors have been dedicated to 19 years of philanthropic opportunities as it has collectively raised more than $3 million as of the Legacy Event, “Fairy Tale,” in February 2023. 

“I was elated when I realized this year’s Legacy Event pushed us over the $3 million mark!” stated Current Executive Director Penny Bailey stated. “It was only possible through the collective dedication and work of our board, executive directors, and the amazing support of the people who have supported us.” 

Funds raised over the years have resulted in the purchase of low-rise beds, a surgery headlamp, a cardiac rebab treadmill, ambulance equipment, a chemo center room, 3-D mammography, a cardiac monitor system, pediatric packs for emergency medical technicians, medicine disposable units, iPads and keyboards for emergency medical service personnel, dietary carts, televisions for in-patient rooms, high-low exam tables for physical therapy, digitizing equipment for medical records, and annual scholarships for high school seniors and Melissa Memorial Hospital employees. Currently, the hospital and Foundation are focusing on acquiring funds to complete the purchase of the endoscopy equipment. 

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