Holyoke Post Office to host passport fair June 23

    If overseas travel is in your plans, now is the perfect time to review your passport needs. To help accommodate passport applicants, the Postal Service will offer a special passport fair Saturday, June 23, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Holyoke Post Office, located at 226 S. Interocean Ave.
    “Our Post Office is pleased to host this special passport fair event,” said Holyoke Postmaster Steven Starkebaum. “We will provide dedicated passport experts for the fair, so that all applications will be processed quickly and efficiently and all questions answered.”
    Passport renewals can be handled online, but new passports must have original documentation, photos and applications — all of which can be processed Saturday.
    There are two travel documents that can be applied for — the passport book or the passport card. The passport book can be used for most international travel worldwide. The less costly passport card may only be used for land and sea travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or the Caribbean. Both the passport card and the passport book have the same validity period: 10 years for an adult and five years for children 15 and younger.

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