Enroll high capacity wells in CSU’s AgDrip

    Groundwater use and availability are key issues for the vitality of the region. In an effort to gather information about how groundwater is used over the course of the growing season, researchers at Colorado State University are initiating a new program titled the Agricultural Data Reporting and Incentives Program.
    This voluntary program will attempt to collect monthly groundwater use information from individual irrigation wells operated by Plains Groundwater District agricultural producers. The water-use information collected will be used to compare crop yields which will contribute to the understanding of how differences in seasonal water use influence crop production.
    High capacity wells in the Plains Groundwater Management District are eligible to enroll in the reporting program, which will provide financial incentives to producers that choose to participate. The program is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and will run from March through December of 2018. No well-specific groundwater information from the project will be shared with state or federal agencies. Invitations with additional details about the program have been sent to eligible irrigated landowners.

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