CRP opportunities available

The Conservation Reserve Program is now open for applications. There are some new changes under this sign-up that can be beneficial for landowners. This is a great opportunity to provide wildlife habitat, protect land from wind erosion, have opportunities for hunting, retire low-yielding acres and receive regular income.

This CRP continuous sign-up is a first-come, first-served program, and there is no ranking process.

Land eligibility includes land that has been farmed four out of six years from 2012-17 or expired CRP ground, which may need to be sprayed or tilled to do a cover conversion, depending on the program signed up for and current vegetative cover.

Other benefits to this CRP continuous sign-up may include:

— Possible increased soil-rental rates compared to 2020.

— Increased sign-up incentive payments and practiced incentive payments from 20%-50% on certain continuous CRP practices for new land enrolled.

— One-time signing bonus for certain continuous CRP practices.

The full article is available in our e-Edition. Click here to subscribe.

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